Trusted WordPress Maintenance Plans

With Security & Performance Scans

  • Daily Care with Free Hack Repair

    Never worry about the maintenance and security of your website again! For a low monthly fee, we keep your site updated and secured. If it ever gets infected, we will repair it for free.

  • Optimized Performance

    We optimize your site for superb page speed and best performance possible.

  • Monthly WordPress Maintenance Reports

    We email out a monthly WordPress maintenance summary report in PDF format with a summary of your website updates, optimizations, backups, analytics, SEO keyword rankings, as well as the security and performance scan results.

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WordPress Maintenance Is Vital to Prevent Bot Attacks

WordPress maintenance every day keeps the bots away™

  • Managed WordPress Core, Plugins & Theme Updates

    We keep WordPress core, plugins and themes updated regularly, with daily malware, vulnerability, and blacklist scans, to stay ahead of security vulnerabilities, and ensure security issues are resolved right away. We summarize all updates in your personalized monthly WordPress maintenance report.

  • Content Updates (Optional)

    We can take care of text, image, product, or other content edits your site will need to remain current and up-to-date with your latest content marketing, e-commerce, services, or pricing. Just send us a bullet list of updates desired, and we’ll get them done for you shortly, no need to pay an hourly developer.

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Clients Love Our WordPress Maintenance Service

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Daily Malware, Vulnerabilities, & Blacklist Scans with Daily Backups

  • 24/7 Triple-Layer Security Protection

    Hackers and their bots can attack 24/7, and cause non-stop issues. We harden security, and perform daily malware, code vulnerability, and blacklist scans. If any problems are found, we are alerted and we perform hack repair and malware cleanout for you for free. Enjoy peace of mind and review the security summary in your unique monthly WordPress maintenance report.

  • Daily Offsite Backups

    We do daily backups with 90 day retention of both the WordPress database and site files, so your site is always protected from hacked/malware damage, and e-commerce is protected against data loss or hosting issues — never rely on your host’s backups! Summaries of the snapshots are in your monthly WordPress maintenance report.

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Site Performance, Page Speed, Analytics, & SEO Keyword Rankings

  • Performance Reporting

    Slow sites will get you penalized by Google, and affect visitor conversion. We do weekly scans to make sure your site is performing well, and include page speed scores, analytics, and uptime summaries in your personalized monthly WordPress maintenance report.

  • SEO Keyword Rankings

    SEO rank is the bread and butter of many businesses. Keep track of how your keyword rankings change, find out how competitors rank, and how you stack up against their keywords in your monthly website WordPress maintenance report.

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The Plans